Sequoia is a doe out of Redwood and Lulu, Redwood has a Alpha Casein gene, so Sequoia has a 50% chance of have this gene. Sequoia is very friendly and correct. I hate to part with her but feed prices are making me down size the herd. My loss your gain. $700 HOLD

Sapphire is out of Nefertiti and Kosmos. Will be an excellent homesteading doe. Lovely deep body. Mom has easy to milk teats and very correct conformation. Her color is called sundgau in the Alpine color scheme. One of the rarer colors in my herd. I love the look. Sweet personality. The only reason I'm not keeping this gem , is we love, love her dad. So I don't want to ever have to say he has worked himself out of a job. I don't keep any of his kids. Nice gentle doe kid to start out with. $600 SOLD

This pretty little doe is out of Garden-Dairy LIGHTNING and Garden-Dairy REDWOOD. An elegant doe ready for anything! Nice head and neck. Great action on her rear legs correct forward facing feet. Lovely deep chest and wide across the hips. Ready for your homestead dairy. She would do well in the show ring. This little gem is ready to go to her new home. She'd make a great foundation doe. I am keeping her sister Storm. I really can't justify keeping both. Her name is Sunshine Daydream. $700 HOLD

Rain is a yearling doe. She is out of
Garden-Dairy Flame's Lightning and Missdee's Merlin Very correct with legs, and body lovely head and neck. Rain carries the gene (from her sire) that produces higher fat which is perfect for cheese making. Rain will be ready to bred this fall. $950 SOLD

Rowan is a yearling out of Merlin. Rowan will have at least 1 Casein s1 Alpha gene A. She is long in the body with a nice topline and a pretty head. Bred to Rex for 2025 kids due March 23 2025. $950 SOLD

FRENCH ALPINE Saffron with her dam Lavender. Saffron is a nice long bodied doe kid with a pretty head and neck. Lovely bloodlines which include Willow Run, Roeburn Legacy, and Missdee's . She has really nice background genetics, which would make her a great doe to have as your foundation doe. $700 SOLD

Taking reservations for Buck kids and pack wethers.

Robin is a yearling doe out of Pr Phillip. Her dam is Crocus, one of my largest does. I was keeping Robin. As she is the last kid Crocus will have, since Crocus is getting on in years. Robin is a fun tri color doe. Her dam Crocus is a heavy milker that is very sweet and crazy athletic. Robin is a sweetheart of a girl. Pretty mellow. Just downsizing because of feed prices. Robin has been bred to Kosmos. Due date 3/24/25
$950 SOLD

Garden-Dairy Briar rose's Nefertiti is for sale to a good (fit) home only. Nefertiti has at least one Casein 1 gene. These genes increase the protein and solids in the milk. So think higher cream content. I always use her milk for tea and coffee. She is an easy to handle doe. Nefertiti has been hand and machine milked. Nefertiti has been breed to Rex for April kids. Please call for more information. $950 HOLD
Available Animals

​​​I am taking orders for 2025 kids. Pack kids with horns, must be ordered early, so they are not dehorned. I only offer a limited number of pack kids per year.
Kids are due the last week of March and will continue into June. Buck kid prices for 2025 will start at $700. Doe kids will also start at $650. Wether prices will be determined. Let us know if you plan on packing with your bucks/ wether(s). We will assess the boys for size, agility and personality.
Pre –ordered kids are appreciated.
A deposit of $100 will hold the kid of your choice until birth.
The balance is due before pick up. Your deposit will be refunded if the chosen kid or a similar agreed upon substitute is not born. Otherwise the deposit is not refundable. All kids are dehorned so they are able to be shown. If you'd like a horned kid it needs to be ordered pre-birth (so I don't dehorn it). Kids need to be picked up at 10 days old, unless arranged with us ahead of time.
Please call or email for advice on kid choices. Not all does (or kids) are pictured on the web site. I'd like to develop the best match for your needs.
If you champion (with ADGA) or earn a milk star with one of my goats. I will give you a $200 credit towards your next goat purchase. Show those goats!